The Barrie School of Dance


Below you’ll find answers to our frequently asked questions.
If you still have an unanswered query, feel free to contact us directly.

What is the best way to contact BSD?

Sending an email to

How do I register my child?

Registration is CLOSED for our 2024/2025 dance season!  The new 2025/2026 season registration will reopen early AUGUST 2025.  

The Barrie School of Dance is registering online via email and in person during our office hours this  season. 

Please contact us to receive your registration package. We now require all of our dance families to sign our waiver and fill out a registration form to reserve their child’s spot in their respective class/classes. 


When are classes held?

You will find BSD’s 2024/2025 schedule on each corresponding program page. 

Is there a class availability for my child?

Registration for our 2024/2025 season is CLOSED!   The Barrie School of Dance finalizes all registration DECEMBER 1st, 2024.    

Please contact us to inquire and receive your registration package.  Classes are first come first serve with registration closing based on class availability.

How much are classes?​

Our pricing list is available via email and is included in our 2024/2025 registration package.

Can my child try a class before signing up?

Yes! Students are welcome to try up to 2 classes total before registration/payment to ensure they are a good fit. If the student registers, payment will be retroactive from the first class.

Do you accept JUMPSTART/Youth Reach?

Yes, we accept Individual Child Grants! We are proud to partner with JUMPSTART to help cover the costs associated with your child’s dance tuition.
Check out the Jumpstart website for more information.

We proudly worked with YouthReach, a Simcoe County based charity that helps provide kids with the opportunity to get involved in the programs they want to participate in.  Check out their website to apply for your grant:

What are your payment options?

Payment options include; e-transfers, Visa, MasterCard, Debit and cash. The Barrie School of Dance is requires automatic all of our dance families to fill out an Automatic Withdrawal Form for monthly and term payment options.
*Online E-Transfers: To do an online transfer, log on to your banks website, select e-transfer/e-mail transfer, this will allow you to send your payments directly to our e-mail

Do you have a dress code?​

Please note that The Barrie School of Dance accepts gender-neutral and race-inclusive dress in our classes. If the dancer chooses, they may wear close-fitting, solid-colour dance attire that is not on any of our specified lists. Hair must always be pulled securely away from face and neck and minimal jewellery to be worn as for the dancer’s safety in class.
Additional information about BSD’s curriculum and attire is located in our 2024/2025 registration package.

How many classes should my child take each week?

We encourage our students to take as many classes as they wish but that it is important to balance their schedule with homework, family and other activities. Although the final decision is up to you how many classes your child takes.

Do you do private lessons?​

We offer private lessons during the week and on weekends in increments of 30 mins or 1 hour classes. Pricing differs based on the instructor and style of dance. Please contact us for specific private lesson inquiries.

Do we offer Adult classes?​

YES! We are offering Adult classes during the 2024/2025 dance season.  Adult Dance will be held Tuesdays from 8:15pm-9:00pm.  The class is geared towards multiple styles of dance including Jazz, Lyrical, Tap, Contemporary, Ballet, Musical Theatre and Stretch and Strength.

In addition, we have Adult Hip-Hop scheduled on Wednesdays from 8:15-9:00pm. 

We offer drop-in rates for single classes.   Discounts are available for monthly payments or full seasons.

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