The Barrie School of Dance

Register today for our 2024/2025 season — LAST DAY OF REGISTRATION IS DECEMBER 1ST!


Ages 5+

All that jazz.

Music from each decade has influenced the way jazz dance is performed. Using the popular music of today our classes incorporate choreography and fundamental technique with fast turns, high kicks and explosive jumps.

Available Classes* tentative (subject to change due to enrolment) 
TuesdayStudio A  Mini Jazz/Lyrical
Teen Dance
Studio BPrimary Acro/Jazz
Primary Ballet/Jazz
WednesdayStudio A  Jr- Int Jazz/Lyrical
Age 3-4Age 5-7Age 7-9Age 9-12Age 11-14Age 14+17+
KinderdancePrimary/Ballet 1Mini/Ballet 2-3Junior/Ballet 3-5Intermediate/Ballet 5-7Senior/Ballet 7+Adult

What to bring:

“Favourite studio, my second home!!”

- Hayley

Caring, kind and supportive dance environment, high quality instruction while making it so fun!

- Christine